Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Love Wins heresy

Maybe you've seen the bumper or window stickers that say Love Wins and thought oh that's nice, I want one because in the end Love does win and never saw the danger behind have it on your car. Well, the theology behind Love Wins is heretical and is being promoted in our generation by the heretic "pastor" by the name of Rob Bell. Bell's new book by the title "Love Wins" spins a mighty web of deceit and says that God would never send people to hell and that Jesus isn't the only way to heaven. Bell is a Universalist which believes all people end up in heaven no matter what they have placed their faith in. Bell claims that he has a new way to think about salvation and hell and that the "old way" is incorrect. So let me get this straight, according to Bell, Jesus, the Bible, and almost every biblical theologian for almost the last 2000 years has been wrong? My advice is to stay as far away from Love Wins as possible, why? Because the Bible instructs us to flee from the world and the flesh, and so I would flee! Pray that God will open the heart of Rob Bell and lead him unto salvation because right now he is denying the only person who can save him and that is Jesus. Also, pray protection of the many Christians who might suffer to read this book and be misled, pray that God would restore those who are pulled away by this false teacher.

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