Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Don't you just love it

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. God worked me over the past few days but only because He had to. So thankful that I have a loving wife, a loving pastor who, even though I wear him thin, has yet to give up on me. More important than those two, a God and Savior who loves me enough to not leave me the way I am. That is the thing a lot of people miss. God does love us and take us the way we are, but, and its a big but, He loves us too much to allow us to stay that way. I learn things the hard way in that I have to be taken to the wood shed in order to learn. God has had me out there at the shed for a while now and finally my friend was invited and held me down while I took the spanking. Just what my God ordered! God disciplines those He loves and sometimes He goes through our brothers and sisters in Christ to discipline us. Looking forward to tomorrow, nice change.


  1. Scott, my brother. I have been following your journey here since it began. I've watched you rise and fall, but mostly fall. I've been encouraged and discouraged. I've watched you fight demons and I've watched you fall back and let them win at times. Now, I need to say something. My brother, I have been praying for you through this entire journey. Like many others, I have my own battles and struggles and truth be told I'm not nearly as well equipped to fight as you are. So, I'm asking you to help me. Put on that armor and keep it on. I trust in you to personify the body of Christ and to lead others. Your missions take you to far away places where you spread the Word. But, you also do that at home where we are. I love you and so admire your strength and honesty in this journey. This post I'm replying to is so encouraging and gives me hope for my own battles. Thank you, Scott.

  2. Barb, thank you for your words of encouragement. I have been struggling. But Christ has pulled me through. I am hoping by sharing some of my most private struggles people will see they are not alone or even learn from them so they don't have to go through it themselves. The root of my problem has been that my head knowledge has outrun my heart application. In order to discover this God needed to break and prune me. I did struggle in my heart and many outside issues took the opportunity to pile on and make this very hard. Add in a dose of pride and I had a wonderful opportunity to fall on my face. Having a great pastor and awesome friends like you who aren't afraid to tell me like it is really helped me. Isn't it nice to have people in your life who aren't afraid to speak up in Christian love, tell you what you need to hear, not judging but rebuking, and restoring a brother or sister just like we are instructed in the word. It can be hard sometime to take the rebuking as a born again should and say thank you. We often get defensive and simply try to justify our way out of it instead of admitting that the rebuke was necessary. I will never forget our little chat we had after you hurt your leg. I love both you and Greg and thank God for allowing us to be friends, brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you.
