Saturday, March 5, 2011

I have been away and so have you!

Well, the move is complete and we have been in the "new" house for a week now. The starting gun has just sounded though as now everyday I will be working on some aspect of this house. Getting caught up on school and desperately trying to finish one of my classes that ends tomorrow night. After that I will only have three classes to worry about. Doing these classes which are required for my degree but I could care less about are going to be the death of me. Why is is so difficult to work on things which I have no interest in? My mood is improving as I rise from the ashes of the mullygrubs I was mired in. Wasn't it called the Slew of Despond in Pilgram's Progress? Something like that anyways. It sure is liberating to slip back out of that miry clay. Thank you Jesus for always being there when I get over myself. As one of the Monty Python gang use to sing, "Always look on the bright side of life!" Now stop whistling the tune! NOOOOOOOOOOone expects the Spanish Inquisition!

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