Saturday, March 12, 2011

God and Japan

When we see things like what has happened in Japan many will ask, "If God is good and loves mankind why does he allow things like this to happen?" To ask this question is to really not have a good view of who God is. We must always remember that He is sovereign, just and working things out according to His will. Japan is a very secular pagan society, how best to give Christians an opportunity to show exactly who God is and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and bring hope to the hopeless than something like this? "Well what about all those innocent people who died?" To ask this question is to have a wrong view of man. There is no one who is innocent. God would still be just if he took us all out. If he did we would be getting what we deserved, just punishment for our sins. What an awesome opportunity the church now has in Japan to show the love of Christ and to share the Gospel of Christ. So why does God allow things like this to happen? The answer isn't as difficult as you might think, quite simply, to bring glory to Himself.

1 comment:

  1. The need for Christians to react to this tragic event is very aid the people of Japan both physically and spiritually.
