Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Just when I thought it was over

Apparently I am not ready to shake off the funk. I thought I was over it but here it comes again. No, I am not sick, physically anyways. Just down in the dumps. Just how does one deal with not wanting to be around those you care about the most? How does one not criticize when things are wrong that should be right? I am open for criticism. As a matter of fact I need it. Please feel free to let me have it, in fact it will be the greatest show of love for me short of dying for me. Does anyone love me enough to tell me where I am wrong and have overstepped my bounds? I think I crave for someone to tell me these things. I think it is a greater injustice to not tell me and let me continue than it is to stay silent and let me continue. Are we not brothers and sisters in Christ? Are we not commanded to rebuke? I can't seem to see around this beam in my eye to get a good look at myself in the mirror so will you look for me? I hate feeling this way, it just isn't right to have everything and yet feel like you have nothing. I am not throwing a pity party, woe is me, I am simply venting and putting it out there in hopes that it will aid another and second by getting it out of me it will leave. Let me know what you think........


  1. Scott, having a "pity party" is ok....we all have them and need those kind of parties from time to time. One of my favorite sayings is "This too shall pass". These feelings you are being forced (and not of your own making) to experience are normal, justified and ok.....I would really worry about you IF you were not having those feelings. Stay strong, committed to God, focused on what is right, continue to remind others of God's path for you and for them with love and compassion. Yes, I love you enough to tell you when you overstep your bounds......remember that day, I came out to your van and told you to needed to apoloize to someone....and the next day you did and also to me!! Took a quite MAN to do that!!!! Aunt Cathy

  2. Scott, for 35 years I lived trying to please others and make everyone happy. It wasn't until I moved to Tennessee and forced to live by myself that I truly turned to God. For 10 years, it was only God and me.....little did I know that during this time, God was forming me to be more like him so I could help others. It wasn't until I put God FIRST that his plan for me and my life was revealed. I stopped trying to live and please others and began to live for him. This hurt lots of people, especially family, however, this was God's plan for me! I am happier and blessed more now than I have ever been because every decision that I have made begins with prayer and asking for God's guidance. Often, the ones that hurt you the most do not understand where you are coming from, continue to be steadfast in your walk with God and his blessings will come to you just as they have come to me.
