Saturday, February 12, 2011

We have a man down!

Ugh, my body is hating me right now. It has been a miserable day pain wise. I feel like I have been beaten with a bat from my ribs down. Got absolutely nothing done today. I can't fall behind schedule, I have to have it ready to move next week. Rest assured God will see me through.

Had a great lesson this past week at Bible study at the bcm. You know God had provided more than enough for Adam and Eve in the garden. I have always thought that they were walking around in the garden fighting the urge to not eat from the tree of knowledge. But you know, in the garden there was no want, there was no desire for better or more, Adam and Eve were fully satisfied because they had God there with them meeting all their needs. They prospered, they were not tempted by the tree. I bet they walked passed it everyday without giving it a second thought.

It wasn't until Satan approach Eve and tempted her to doubt God and His provision did they look upon the tree differently from any other tree in the garden. Bing, light bulb! We read that God will prosper us and immediately we think finances, health, etc. No, not at all. The prosperity is that we get God. He is all sufficient, having already supplied what we need, we need not be tempted with things that are in the process of fading away. The most valuable thing we could be given is the reconciliation we have with God through the blood of His Son Jesus the Christ. Being freed from the penalty of my sin is the greatest treasure on earth and in heaven. Praise God first for who He is and second for what He has done!

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