Tuesday, February 1, 2011

DANG!!!! John MacArthur went off on Joel Olsteen

"He is a pagan religionist, in every sense. he's a quasi-pantheist, Jesus is a footnote that satisfies his critics, and deceives his followers. His whole thing is that man has the power within themselves to change their lives. The only way that this can be your best life now is if you are going to hell." "This is satanic" He then goes on to show how Joel's gospel is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ but the "name it and claim" gospel which is no gospel at all."This is false kind of Christianity and a false view of God." "I think preachers like this, who preach this stuff really hate the true God and are afraid to death that some people might find out who he really is."  Ouch You go John! I bet Joel hasn't received a spanking like that since he was a boy. This is what the Bible calls accountability. Did you know that there is a "Your Best Life Now" board game? Oh my, Joel, really? Sad and funny all at the same time. Pray for Joel please.

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