Friday, February 18, 2011

The Daniel Diet and the house.

Have you heard of the Daniel diet? Well the spiritually immature being blown about by this and that have heard and are doing it. Unfortunately they haven't read the Scriptures to see that it actually made Daniel and company fatter than those who ate the king's choice foods and wine. Unfortunately, "America's Pastor" Rick Warren is leading or attempting at least, to lead his church into this farce. There is no diet plan anywhere in the book of Daniel. Sorry pastor Warren, swing and a miss. The Wretched crew offers a better diet from the book of Daniel, The Lion's Den Diet. You simply don't eat the food placed before you.

Now, another full day at the house. Got Maggie's room insulated and sheetrock hung. The family room, I have it insulated and some sheetrock hung. Installed two Hvac returns installed also in the family room. Installed a new thermostat in the living room.

This afternoon took a trailer load of stuff over and got it stacked out of the way. Gonna move as much, if not all, the small stuff moved tomorrow. All the big stuff the first of next week and we will be in. My man Ed is coming tomorrow to install the carpet in the bed room. More to come, never forget to give God thanks, even for the perceived "bad" things.

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