Monday, January 31, 2011

What goes for me, doesn't go for you

Have you heard or seen the Chick-fil-a story? The homosexual community is in an uproar because a known Christian company donated money to promote a group that lobbies to outlaw gay marriage. Liberals unite! Boycott Chick-fil-a until they do what we want! Have you ever noticed how Atheist, Darwinist, Homosexuals, Liberals all, are the first to say, don't impose your values on me and yet force their values on you in the next breath? News flash to the Gay community, Chick-fil-a will do just fine without you, as long as they continue to give God and Godly values top priority. Any company or individual in this great nation has the freedom to say or do whatever they want as long as it doesn't harm another person. Well, unless you are a woman and then you can infringe on the rights of an unborn child but that is a whole other issue. What say you?

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