Monday, January 31, 2011

First Bible in their language

Just saw a video on WretchedTV of an Indonesian Tribe receiving the Bible in their language for the very first time. WOW! The whole village jumping for joy as the plane lands. The men dressed in their best clothes approach the plane as if receiving a honored dignitary. The pilot hands them the box, they turn towards the crowd and the begin to pray thanking God for this day when His Word would arrive in their language. With amen the crowd erupts in joy. Humbles me, have I ever been this hungry for the Word?

What goes for me, doesn't go for you

Have you heard or seen the Chick-fil-a story? The homosexual community is in an uproar because a known Christian company donated money to promote a group that lobbies to outlaw gay marriage. Liberals unite! Boycott Chick-fil-a until they do what we want! Have you ever noticed how Atheist, Darwinist, Homosexuals, Liberals all, are the first to say, don't impose your values on me and yet force their values on you in the next breath? News flash to the Gay community, Chick-fil-a will do just fine without you, as long as they continue to give God and Godly values top priority. Any company or individual in this great nation has the freedom to say or do whatever they want as long as it doesn't harm another person. Well, unless you are a woman and then you can infringe on the rights of an unborn child but that is a whole other issue. What say you?

Don't Be Mistaken, Plus Random Thought

Please don't mistake my grieving my sin as me being down. This is a natural response for a born again believer. Our sin should trouble us to the point of grief, it is only then that we are sick enough of it to repent. What is my sin? Well, let's just say that I understand what Paul means by Romans 7:15 "For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate."(NASB) I know that I am not alone, many others know exactly what I mean. 

In an unrelated thought came across Proverbs 30:8-9 and was challenged to make this my prayer. It says: "Keep deception and lies far from me, Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion, That I not be full and deny You and say, “Who is the LORD?” Or that I not be in want and steal, And profane the name of my God." How many of us would be willing to ask this of God? It is one of those prayers we just might be scared of but want so deeply.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Speech Class

Just submitted my terrible speech on Calvinism. It was an informative speech and had to be from 4-6 minutes long. Yes, I know, when ever did I say anything that short. Well, I was able to pull it off. It is amazing how natural preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ is and how terrified I am at public peaking. There is such a difference. I wish I could just record a sermon and turn it in, then I wouldn't be so nervous. I was shaking and sweating. Ugh! Well it's over for now, until I have to do my persuasive speech, maybe I can persuade my professor that I am nervous. I guess it is God's sense of humor.

Sunday Message

Neil ask this morning what our life verse is. Mine has been John 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease." This is my battle. We both can't increase at the same time. The message this morning was on Romans 8:28 "We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." The great thing about my God is that in both times of my life, whether He is increasing or I mess up and increase myself, He will bring it about for my benefit and His glory. Granted that it will hurt much less if He increases and I decrease but I will grow either way and He will be glorified either way. What a great God I serve. He is glorified just as much by His justice and wrath as He is through His mercy and grace. Oh how I want to be his obedient child!

Here's some of that rambling I promised

As I stumble who will stand by and watch me fall only to walk away? As I stumble and fall who will be there to restore me? Only time will tell. Many like to point fingers and talk about you to others, few will actually care enough to come and ask. Judgment is in full supply but what about forgiveness, mercy and grace? The things Christians claim to want from you is not what you get from them, or is it? I am one of them, do I give what I expect from others? This is the real me, shell removed, open and exposed, will you wound or restore? Is this who you expected? I don't normally let you in but here I am extending the invitation. I love you so much it hurts, I don't really know how to properly show it. Many call me harsh, hard, cold, uncaring, that I don't show compassion but they really don't know me, my heart, the sad thing is that they don't really want to know because if they did they would come and ask why I am the way I am. I lay myself open to the world, here I am. Will you open your heart to me? Be who you claim to be? My flesh is in the throws of death, I battle it everyday, it doesn't want to die, but die it must. I am my own worst enemy. The Holy Spirit calls to me, reasons with me, testifies to me, here I am, humble and broken as I face myself. Hmm, humble and broken, I should feel better than this but this walk isn't about feelings, its about my sin and forgiveness that only found in Christ. I can learn from you if you really care about teaching me, will you listen and learn from me, Christ has given me so much to give away and has much to give me through you. ramble on.......


Please feel free to comment when you stop by. Vent or just let me know what you think. As long as you keep it clean it will stay posted. Thanks!

The Beginning

Didn't ever think I would be doing this but here goes nothing. To quote my pastor, Neil Awbrey, it has taken my whole life to get where I am  right now. This Christian journey has been a long tough one for me, as a matter of fact, I am finding it just as Christ promised it would be, impossible but very rewarding. As of right now, I feel like I am hitting a low point but isn't that when we find ourselves to be humble and broken? Just quit Facebook, pretty sure it was an idol for me so I am walking away. Maybe will be better off sharing my thoughts instead of comment on the thoughts of others. I know that I will stay out of trouble that way.